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Key activities to support the development of low-carbon technologies, including hydrogen:
- Wielkopolska Hydrogen Platform: established in December 2019, which is a consultative and advisory body of the Wielkopolska Voivodeship Government in the field of low and zero-carbon economy, a multifaceted platform for inter-environmental cooperation of business, science, local governments and civil society. The main goal of the WPW is to combine and utilize the potential of its affiliated entities for the construction of a low- and zero-emission economy in the Wielkopolska Voivodeship. Currently, the WPW has 150 members who work in 4 panels: Business, Science, Local Government Leaders and Civic. Meetings are held once a month. The WPW is a tool in the operation of the PPO Entrepreneurial Discovery Process to include the hydrogen technology area in the Smart Specializations in Wielkopolska.
- Strategy for the development of Wielkopolska hydrogen by 2030 with an outlook to 2040: The strategy is an analysis of the potential and opportunities for the development of the hydrogen economy in Wielkopolska. The document indicates the vision of the Wielkopolska hydrogen ecosystem, the most important goals in the horizon to 2030, measures of planned development, the most optimistic directions of activity with prospects in the area of renewable hydrogen production, use in industry, agriculture, the transport sector, integration with the development of RES, as well as current barriers and external conditions affecting the development of the hydrogen economy.The Strategy for the Development of Hydrogen Wielkopolska until 2030 with an Outlook to 2040 is the first document of its kind to be created at the regional level in Poland.
- Hydrogen School: the initiative is designed to disseminate information about the use of hydrogen, hydrogen technologies and the socio-economic opportunities associated with their application, the impact of the hydrogen economy on the state of the environment, as well as to develop interest in the subject of renewable energy among pupils and students from Wielkopolska. In 2021, the first textbook in Polish was developed to supplement the curriculum in physics, chemistry, biology lessons with topics related to hydrogen and hydrogen technologies. The second edition of the Hydrogen School will be launched in November 2023.
- Central European Hydrogen Technology Forum H2Poland: The Wielkopolska Regional Government and the Poznań International Fair are the organizers of the H2Poland forum. The event is Poland’s largest platform for the exchange of expert knowledge during conferences and debates combined with an exhibition of the latest solutions dedicated to low and zero-emission economy. Last year’s edition of the fair attracted more than 50 exhibitors, 150 speakers and 2,000 participants. The third edition of H2Poland will be held on April 24-25, 2024 at the MTP grounds in Poznań.
- Signing of the Declaration in the Will to Establish the Wielkopolska Hydrogen Valley: On July 5, 2021, the signing ceremony of the Declaration of Intent to Establish the Wielkopolska Hydrogen Valley took place at the Marshal’s Office of the Wielkopolska Region in Poznań. The initiative confirms the willingness of all signatories of the Agreement to cooperate for the development of the hydrogen economy in the region, commitment to the development of the entire national ecosystem based on hydrogen technologies. The establishment of the Wielkopolska Hydrogen Valley will help strengthen Wielkopolska’s position as a major player in the newly emerging hydrogen industry.
- Recruitment to receive Technical Assistance to generate synergies with the Partnership for Clean Hydrogen: The Local Government of the Wielkopolska Region became in September 2023 the beneficiary of a call for receipt of Technical Assistance to generate synergies with the Partnership for Clean Hydrogen. The call for receipt of Technical Assistance was aimed at central and regional level entities, within which the Managing Authority of the European Funds functions, and those that have or declare the introduction of a provision on the development of hydrogen technologies in their Regional Operational Program, or Smart Specialization Strategy. The selected entities will receive targeted technical support to develop cooperation with CHP in key areas of research and innovation and implementation of hydrogen technologies, including: technical assistance for the implementation of the established activities (substantive support), knowledge management, and financing (joint tiering of funds from FEW and CHP). As part of the cooperation, agreements will be signed to reflect the evaluation of various synergy modalities with specific implementation commitments.
- Accession of the Wielkopolska Region to The European Hydrogen Valleys S3 Partnership: April 12, 2022. The Wielkopolska Province has joined the S3 Partnership, whose key objectives include commercialization and development of technological readiness of hydrogen applications, enabling cooperation between regions in the aspect of investment in the development of the hydrogen economy, strengthening the supply and value chain elements of hydrogen technologies, increasing green hydrogen production, or actively shaping EU hydrogen policy.
- Internationalization and international cooperation: as part of the promotion of regional economic entities, local governments and scientific units, the Local Government of the Wielkopolska Region is recruiting for participation in trade fairs, economic missions in the development of low-carbon technologies and areas of Smart Specializations. Current offer available.